Soccer Weekend

Last weekend was full of soccer!  We have had three or four children playing games before in one weekend, but never had we had such a crazy schedule before! With both girls on traveling teams, we do not have a regular schedule, and last week was a full one.

It started out as a normal week.  We had our normal practice nights.  We had been asked to bring snacks for one game and decided to sign up the other kids to bring snacks for the same weekend–before knowing what the week would look like.  I helped Andrea and Audrey make 5 batches of cookies so we would have enough giant cookies to share after games. We froze them and took them out as needed.

SoccerBetween Thursday and Tuesday, Andrea played in four games, half of the regular season games! During Thursday’s game, she twisted her ankle, but got up and continued to play.  She returned home with a swollen and bruised ankle. On Friday, she refused to walk on it but we iced it and wrapped it everyday, and she was able to play in all her weekend games.

Andrea is improving immensely and getting to be a stronger player.  She still has a lot to learn, but you can often hear her laughter while playing the game.

AudreygameAudrey only had three games over the weekend.  She has a lot to learn, but her coach is willing to push her, and Audrey loves the challenge.  She struggles with sprinting, but she is trying and we are seeing improvement.

AdrianOn Saturday, Adrian had his first game.  He surprised us all, including himself, by making the very first goal within minutes of the game starting!  He is hoping to make more goals, and he has improved a lot since last year.  It will be a great season for him.

Thursday night we had a scheduling conflict and Allan took Andrea to a game while I took Audrey to practice. Perhaps Allan and I are crazy, but we went to every other game together!  It was fun to watch the kids try their best.  We had a little time to relax and enjoyed talking with each other too.


It has been very windy here the last few days!WindWho Has Seen the Wind?
By Christina Rossetti (last verse by Me!)

Who has seen the wind?
Neither I nor you:
But when the leaves hang trembling,
The wind is passing through.

Who has seen the wind?
Neither you nor I:
But when the trees bow down their heads,
The wind is passing by.

Who has seen the wind?
Neither you nor I:
But when young girls hair flies behind
The wind is passing by.

Today’s Smile

Get Well heartAudrey is not feeling well today.   Megan decided that Audrey needed a get well card.  She cut out a heart with Andrea’s help and then drew a “girl, it not a boy” for Audrey.  At lunch time, she prayed, “thank you for making Audrey better later.” Audrey was given the card and then it disappeared.  She found it later, taped on her bedroom door at Megan level.