We can not see the sun set at home. We see the sky change colors, but that is it. While in Colorado, one of our favorite ways to end our day is to walk to the cattle guards and watch the sun set. Most evenings, you will find us hanging around, enjoying the scenery and being family.
Month: June 2021
Pikes Peak and Garden of Gods
The younger two were invited to spend an evening with their cousins. So Audrey, Allan and I went hiking around the Garden of the Gods. We hoped to go again with Adrian and Megan, but the rest of our time filled up with Allan’s business trip, super hot days, visiting family and remembering Grandma.
The hike was so pretty. There were a few people on the trails, but it was mostly just us. We took time to relax and enjoy the beauty of God’s creation and to enjoy a special morning with just Audrey.
Colorado Backyard
A view from the drive way at Aunt Bonnie’s and Uncle Bill’s house. That is Pikes Peak in the background.