Upward Soccer practice started yesterday. I haver four kids in soccer this year. I am also coaching two of the teams! I coach the younger two and Allan has the older teams. Megan is cheerleader and associate coach for everyone. 🙂
We thought Adrian needed to be in kindergarten to play, but when he heard that he was old enough, he got so excited about it. We thought, “why not?” His first practice was tough. The shin guards felt funny and running in soccer cleats was hard. He spend a lot of practice falling down. He is going to practice running with Mark in his new shoes and shin guards so next week is better. Adrian was very excited about his uniform and could not wait to try it on.
I know very little about soccer, so my job is to learn! Mark and Andrea love the idea of teaching Momma something. They are my helpers during practice to make sure that I do it right. My teams may not learn a lot about soccer, but I will do my best to make sure that we have fun!