… At least for a little while yet.
Daddy gave this gun to the kids to play with years ago. When Daddy visited Owen Sound when he was around 7, his cousin gave it to him. He said that he was on a trip with his grandma and every trip with her has good memories.
I am not positive, but I think this toy gun is a Hubley Double-Barrel Pirate Cap Gun gun from the 1940s.
Audrey offered to pose for me outside so I could play with my camera and new flash.
Megan posed for me during a break from sledding.
We finally received enough snow to go sledding! Audrey had to work early, so she missed the fun. We played outside for over an hour before we decided we were ready to head home for something hot to drink.
Enjoyed being able to spend time with Esther and her boys again this weekend.
The weather this winter has been very mild. Only this last week has there been a few days cold enough to try frozen bubbles.
Just having fun experimenting with lights and different things my camera can do. This is a picture of our tree lights.