I wanted a fun fall picture of these siblings. I love Grant’s look. He was not sure if he liked the idea or not.
I wanted a fun fall picture of these siblings. I love Grant’s look. He was not sure if he liked the idea or not.
I have tried this with my old camera, but never got what I wanted. But, I really like my new portrait lens and what it can do.
Happy birthday Mark!
Once upon a time, there was a very little boy born overseas. He needed to get a birth certificate and a passport. Since the hospital was very close to where it all needed to be done, his daddy took him out of the hospital and got all the paperwork done while Momma remained behind. Thinking about that story always makes me laugh and also wonder, “did that really happen??” Yes, it really did!
We enjoyed some friends over last night. They had fun collecting acorns together. I wanted the picture to reflect that and decided to experiment.
Which do you prefer, the swirled or the original?
The younger two and I got to enjoy a week at Patmos with Andrea between a few retreats. The weather was super nice part of the time and rainy and dreary the other part.
One thing Megan really wanted to do was to jump off the pier. She watched campers do it during camp and she wanted to try also. So after playing hard one day, we decided to jump. Megan had so much fun, they jumped three or four times. If we did not need to get cleaned up before dinner, we probably would have played even longer.
Happy birthday Sweetheart! Thank you for one goofy picture. I love you!
Spent a morning exploring Alivars with Kristi and Kari. Rarely do we have enough time to spend together, so it was a super special treat this last week. We looked for sea glass, Lucky Stones and just spent time catching up.
Two things I miss from Camp Patmos.