I love Allan!
I love Allan!
We got to enjoy the yucca plants in bloom this year.
While in Colorado, I love often get up early to watch the sun rise and then go for an early walk before everyone is moving. One morning, this back lit grass caught my eye. I do not know what type of grass it is, but the little dots are tiny flowers!
It was so much fun being able to spend time with relatives in Colorado. One evening we had dinner with family. We wanted to get a group shot and I asked Uncle Lawrence and Uncle Bill to be my models while everyone got ready. This one is what I call my “smile picture”. A picture that makes me smile just because.
I am not sure where I first saw this idea, but thought it would be a lot of fun. The kids filled balloons with mostly cold water. Then we broke the balloons over each other’s heads. It was a super quick way to cool down.
What a blessing! Two little boys! Looking forward to seeing Jonathan and Drew grow and become best friends.
Whenever the kids went exploring, they would carry a shovel around with them. We had been told by a few people to be especially careful roaming because the weather was hot!
Opa and Adrian found a rattler while they were working on the yard and Audrey saw one while exploring. Thankfully, my children are less concerned about finding a snake than I am and they spent many hours roaming Grandma’s “backyard.”