A fun way to spend a summer evening. Just remember the bug spray!
To make it more fun… hunt for lightening bugs after!
A fun way to spend a summer evening. Just remember the bug spray!
To make it more fun… hunt for lightening bugs after!
Audrey was drawing on the window and I wanted to get a reflection of her. I liked the picture, but wanted it to pop just a little more. So I started experimenting with different ideas. Unfortunately, since I was just playing, I did not keep track of what exactly I was doing, and can not replicate it. Guess I have to experiment some more.
Happy Anniversary Momma and Daddy! I love you.
When Audrey was eleven, she taught her first butterfly class. When the class was over, they went outside and tried to catch butterflies with handmade nets made of pillowcases and dowels. There was a lot of yelling and giggling and everyone enjoyed themselves.
The butterflies are original artwork created by my kiddos when they were little.
Our neighbor, Mrs. Klassen, gave us a few peonies today. It has not been a good year for them, but the ones she gave us were beautiful and smelled so lovely.
I can not remember where we got so many lilacs from. But in 2016, someone shared a bunch of them with us. Because of cooler days and lots of rain, there is not many lilacs right now. Still hoping though…
One of my top five favorite spring flowers. Brought as a bouquet, Forget me nots are my favorite.
We have been enjoying many different birds this spring. A few of them visit for a day or two and then are gone, but a few have stayed. Hoping that as Audrey improves her gardens, we invite a larger variety of birds into our yard.
Megan and I went to the park today. It is supposed to frost tonight, and we were hoping to take some beautiful pictures of spring flowers. It was too windy, but we still enjoyed looking.
I do not know what these are. They were under a beautiful tree covered in blossoms; these had fallen to the ground and we collected them to play with at home.
We went to visit my parents today. On the way home we stopped at a park and discovered a tulip garden. It was full of many types of tulips and I would have happily spent a lot more time there appreciating their variety and cheerfulness.