“By Myself!”

Megan's SmileMark and I were outside trying to get pictures of some baby robins. I went inside to discover Megan sitting on the bathroom sink by herself. I asked her who left her up there.  Smiling hugely, she told me “all by myself, need down.” After hearing “you can’t do that, your too little” all the time, I think she was proud that she figured out she isn’t too little to wash her own hands.


FaceWe invited Allan’s brothers over for a picnic. Not everyone could come, but we had a great time with those who were available.

Michelle brought Jonah. He happily played with the children and let Megan awkwardly hold him for a little while.  He even took time to “pose” for a few pictures to surprise his daddy with.

As always, if you click the thumbnail, you can see a much better photo from the gallery.



SwingingOne of Megan’s favorite activities is to swing. She loves having someone push her. She prefers sitting on someone’s lap, but often has to beg who ever is swinging.  She was extra persuasive today because she was able to get Mark to blow bubbles with her and then swing with her.



ShoeWould someone please inform Mark that shoes are not supposed to be wider than your waist?

Mark needed some new shoes, so Allan and I thought we would surprise him with a new pair. He really dislikes shoe shopping!  I knew that he wore Allan’s shoes, so when I found some shoes, I asked Allan to try them on.  They fit, so we brought them home.

Size 9 shoes did not fit Mark!  He needed to return both pair of shoes and get size 10’s.

Dandelion Jewelry

DandalionOn Friday, I taught Andrea two different ways to make dandelion chains.  There are tons of dandelions this year, so she has been having fun creating different jewelry.

On Saturday, she gathered a huge handful of dandelions and then sat quietly working while the boys worked on the grass. She wore some herself and then gave some to Megan who loved having a crown and matching bouquet.Dandelion chain

Oma’s Butterfly

GlueToday, while we studied John Audubon in history,  the kids decided to create their own masterpieces. Megan wanted to make a butterfly. She picked out paper and after getting the butterfly cut out, Andrea helped a little to decorate it. Megan has used glue once or twice, but she was introduced to purple glitter today. She thought that was great!Oma's butterfly

When she was finished, she wanted to send it to Oma.  Oma and Opa are in Swaziland working for a few months.  We took a picture for her and sent it special delivery to Oma and Opa.



Messy Messy faceAllan was not able to come to soccer practice today.  So Megan had the chance to play by herself.  Adrian played with her a little, but he found a new friend and let Megan play mostly by herself.

She happily found a pile of dirt. I am not sure what all she did, but I have a few ideas.


London Bridges

London BridgesAccording to the thermometer, it is over 70 degrees out right now.  That causes a major problem. No one, including the teacher, really wants to do book work today.  Playing outside is so much more fun!

We compromised. We did history and Bible in the living room with the windows wide open. Everyone worked on their math outside.  Adrian finally got to dissect his flowers–he called it butchering!– while sitting on the porch steps. Audrey practiced close up flower photography. The kids practiced their soccer skills and then played London Bridges.  They practiced their social skills by running over to visit our neighbor. While I read out loud, the kids enjoyed lunch outside.  They tried to persuade me to have quiet time outside too, but I vetoed that because the ground is still wet from yesterday’s rain.

I am so thankful that school does not always have to be behind desks in a class room.  We were able to get a lot of book work done this morning. This afternoon we will finish it up and spend more time enjoying the beautiful weather God has given us today.