First “Horse” Ride

Adrian loves when the older children have Science Sleuths and he can go on his date with Momma.  This afternoon he was able to take his little sister to one of his favorite playgrounds. He also got to take her on her very first bouncy horse ride! While Megan did not enjoy the ride as much as Adrian, she still had fun.

We heard some turkeys, so went exploring. We were not able to find them, but hope to look for them the next time we are at the park.

First Leaf Pile

Adrian has been eagerly waiting for enough leaves to fall so we could make a huge leaf pile.  Yesterday he asked if he could “break the leaves”. He got his rake out, so I knew what he wanted.

Today he got his wish!  It was not a huge pile, but large enough for the kids to all play in it.  They “invented” a new game.  One child is the guesser and stands between the cars.  Then the other three choose one to hide in the leaf pile.  One hides in the woods and the other child gets the guesser.  The guesser has to guess who is hiding in the leaves. Then they trade places.

When they finished their game, Adrian demolished the leaf pile so they could rake again another day.

Gifts from God

Behold, children are a gift of the LORD, The fruit of the womb is a reward. Psalm 127:3 NASB

Here is the other picture that Allan helped me work on. Allan is a good teacher, I remembered how to most of what he taught me, and learned a few new things on my own. Yes, he is a wonderful gift too!

Thumbelina Megan

When I was given these flowers after Megan was born, I could not help but think that they needed “Thumbelina” on it.  Allan spent lots of time teaching me how to make the picture.  It was good entertainment while on bed rest last week!

“Thumbelina, Thumbelina tiny little thing
Thumbelina dance, Thumbelina sing
Thumbelina what’s the difference if you’re very small?
When your heart is full of love you’re nine feet tall

Though you’re no bigger than my toe
Than my toe, than my toe
Sweet Thumbelina keep that glow
And you’ll grow and you’ll grow and you’ll grow.”

Lyrics to Thumbelina, sung by Danny Kaye in the movie Hans Christian Andrerson

Playing outside

With the weather in the 70’s yesterday, we wanted to be outside as much as possible.  The girls pulled out some blankets for Megan and me to rest on.   We watched them ride their bikes and play on the swings. The fresh air was  a little much for Megan, and she happily slept most of the time.

We also watched the girls and Adrian make a sign for the front yard.