Day at the Beach

Yesterday, we spent the day at the Lake.  Megan started out apprehensive of the water, but ending up really loving it. The kids were in the water most of the day.  We only stopped for lunch and a break from the sun.

It was a great way to celebrate!


Because there has been very little rain, fireworks by our house have been canceled.  However, Allan found out that the ban by his brother’s house was lifted.  Last night, after the kids were ready for bed, Allan told them to change back into their cool clothes, put on  some walking shoes and go to the car.

We drove to Winona Lake and met Josh and Angie.  Then we found a nice grassy place to sit and enjoyed a very nice show.

I rarely take night pictures, so I had fun experimenting.

Thank you Josh and Angie for joining the fun at the last minute.  We enjoyed ourselves very much!

Click fireworks to see how the experiment worked.

The Hug

Today’s guest writer is Megan.

I love my Daddy, he is the best Daddy in the whole world! He loves to play with me and gives me lots of hugs.  His face tickles me at night.  He makes me laugh.  I am glad for my daddy.  I love you Daddy!


For our ninth anniversary, I made this apron for Audrey using leftover wedding material.  She wore it for a long time.

Yesterday, Megan got to wear it for the first time. Andrea told me that she remembered when Audrey wore it, but she can’t remember the matching one she wore.  I will have to look for pictures 🙂