
Our neighbor came over and told us that her apple trees were full of fruit this year.  She could not use all the apples, so invited us over to pick as many as we wanted.  The kids and I went over and picked a lot!

The apples were very nice.  Some of them had worms, but not very many.  We enjoyed a big pan of apple crisp that night!

We made applesauce with the rest of the apples. A friend helped me cut most of the apples up, and Andrea and Adrian helped mash them. We made one batch with cinnamon, and the rest we made with cranberries. The apples were slightly juicy, so we strained the liquid from the bottom and made a beautiful pink apple cidery type drink. We froze most of the sauce, but the kids enjoyed their evening snack, a huge bowl of fresh applesauce.

My favorite part of making sauce?  When Adrian smiled a huge smile and said “I love making applesauce with you Mommy.”