Since leaving our first access point, we had rain and some minor storms pass by. Whenever we heard thunder, we would pull over and take a break until the thunder passed. The only major storm we had was on day three.
We had a great day canoing. The kids were getting more comfortable and learning new strokes. They attempted more rapids and moved a lot faster than they had. We noticed the sky growing dark, but we really wanted to get to Boze Mill Spring float camp. We pushed it some and got there soon after lunch.
We set up camp and took a short walk to explore when a storm hit! We all curled up the kids tent and read four chapters of Tom Sawyer. Some of us dozed.
This float camp was really nice. It had large spaces for tents, fire pits, and –Megan’s favorite–a pit toilet! It also had a spring to explore and the remains of an old mill. We walked around exploring and just enjoying the time.
Even though we had used strong bug spray, the ticks still loved us. We found three types, deer ticks, spotted ticks and little tiny ones. We were told later that it was still too early in the season, but there was an even smaller tick that lives there. I am not sure how many ticks we got rid of, but there were a lot! I found many of them because someone had a new “freckle”, so we nicknamed the ticks moving freckles.
Dinner each night was re-hydrated meals that we had prepared at home. Each of the kids took turns learning to cook the meal with Daddy.
Every night, we hung our food in bear bags. We were told that there were bears in the area, but they are rarely seen. We were more afraid that raccoons or other critters would find our food.