We had five soccer games this weekend. Andrea, subbing for another team, played in three games. Friday’s game was good, but they lost 1-2. Saturday’s game was vicious. Andrea came home telling how mean the other team was. One of her team mates ended up with a bloody nose, one had a hurt leg and two were knocked out! Andrea said she played the whole game, but was considering asking for a sub because the other team started going after her and she was getting mad at them.
Today’s game was a rough game because the other team was really good, but they played fair and it was fun to watch.
While Allan took Andrea to her game yesterday, Mark was the coach for Adrian’s team. Mark did a great job as coach.
Adrian almost made a goal, the ball hit the goal frame and bounced back at him. The kids played hard and won 3-1!
Megan played well too. Audrey was her team’s main coach and tried to encourage the team to pass the ball and let the ones who had not made a goal yet, try for one. That is difficult since we have a “me! me! team”.
Megan almost made a goal, but she did not really care that she missed. She proved to me that she understood the reason for soccer the best on her team. She played hard and tried her best, and did not care about who made the goals. At the end of the game, she was excited about all the fun she had. 
We have no games over the holiday weekend. We are looking forward to a quiet soccer week.