It has not been a good years for Monarchs, so we decided to create something special with the ones we could release.
It has not been a good years for Monarchs, so we decided to create something special with the ones we could release.
One of Audrey’s newest Monarchs and flowers picked from Oma’s and our gardens.
Enjoyed playing with some Lenten Rose buds I rescued from the neighbor’s garden before all the rain came.
My friend Melody gave me these flowers at church yesterday. I am enjoying them extra much since it started to snow today!
We have started our spring hunt for flowers. This one is from our neighbor’s yard. I learned today that it is also called Hellebores, Lenten Rose or Winter Rose. It comes in different colors; white, rose, purple, and green.
Last week, I was given a plant from a friend. It was not doing well in her yard, and I am hoping it does very well here. Now to find some other color Lenten Roses to add to my garden.
Crocuses are finally blooming. The weather has been cold, snowy and wet. I did not think we would get many crocus this year. But we have a nice amount and I am enjoying them!
It is has been warm this winter. While the bubbles are starting to freeze, it is not quite cold enough yet.