On Tuesday, we went to Wellfield Botanical Gardens. We enjoyed the flowers and people watching. Just before we left, we were told there was a class and art project for children. We went to that. The bird feeder that Megan made was fun, but the class itself was geared for much younger children.
After lunch with Daddy, we colored and played outside some. We got ready to play in the sprinkler and Megan came outside to discover Thor hogging it. Megan got to get wet before a storm we had been watching came in. She did not mind because she got to make dinner instead!
Megan made her first batch of macaroni and cheese. It is a super easy recipe, given to Andrea years ago by my friend Kristi. Butter a baking dish, add uncooked noodles, cover the noodles with milk, season to taste and add shredded cheese to the top and bake for about an hour at 350. Easy but yummy!
At bedtime, Megan was asleep almost immediately.
Thor protecting the sleeping beauty.