Megan is my guest speaker again today.
I had a lot of fun at Mommy Camp today. After eating breakfast, we took a walk and looked for baby bunnies and frogs. We found one rabbit (no babies) and ten frogs! One of them scared Momma! It croaked loudly and then jumped. Momma jumped too, four feet in the air!
On the way home we played a game. Only looking at our shadows, Momma had to catch my hand. But I did not let her. Then we made funny shadows on the road.
We took care of butterflies and I tried to catch one outside. It was too fast for me. It was fun playing catch with a butterfly.
Then we went home and I played on the tire swing while Momma read to me. Thor sat under the tire swing listening too. Mark fixed it so it was tall and I did not hit Thor. He liked the shade and the cool dust. I liked the dirt too. I got all dirty! I painted my legs with it 🙂
When Mark came home I went to Steak and Shake with him on a date! He bought me a mint chocolate chip shake. The waitress dropped our order by our table. We waited for another one. Then we came home and went to work.
I made macaroni and cheese for dinner. It had bunny noodles. It was good. Then it was bed time and I fell asleep fast.
Hi guys
I am enjoying the wonders of your camping experience!!!!! All the way from Jam Down Jamaica!!!!!