Today’s Smile–Robin Fledgling

This morning the kids were helping Daddy outside.  They came running in the house yelling “we just watched the baby bird fly for the first time!”

Of course, I had to go outside and see it too.  We watched the baby hop down the driveway until his Momma came and moved him to the safety of the grass.  After awhile, the fledgling followed his Momma to a nearby tree.  He was unable to land as gracefully as his role model and slid down the branch.  Just before getting to the end of the branch, he remembered that he could fly and flew to another branch.

Megan’s Sailor Dress

We pulled down the summer clothes the other day. It is a big job that I usually do not like.  This time though, it was sort of fun. We found a bunch of clothes that Andrea and Audrey wore! Now the challenge is to narrow it down!

Even at 18 months, Audrey and Andrea had very different personalities, and their clothes reflected it. Megan is a good “mix” of the two and will look good in either of their clothes.

We also found a few things from the boys :)  And yes, she will wear some of my favorites!