Cold Day, Boiling Water

I am not sure what the temperature was this morning, but it was cold! I know that is is -8 right now with a wind chill of -17, but this morning was even colder.

Yesterday, we were supposed to beat the cold weather recorded for the city, but I forgot to check. I know with the wind chill it was supposed to get to -51, but I do not know the actual temperature for the day.


Even though the eclipse tonight was around midnight, I stayed up to watch it. Megan had asked to see it when I told her about it, so I woke her up. Mark, Andrea and Adrian bundled up to come outside too for a few minutes.

Even though it was a very late night and very cold out, I was thankful that the sky was so clear and we were able to see it.

Family Sledding

Because of the lack of snow this year we have not been sledding often. Not knowing if we would get more snow this year, we took the kids sledding on a weekend. We do not usually go in the middle of the day either, but we wanted to try. There were a few people on the hills, so we played for awhile.

After sledding for awhile, we enjoyed a walk in the woods. It was a great family afternoon.

One Inch

One inch of snow is enough to go sledding.

We received about an inch of snow in the last 24 hours. It has not snowed since mid Nov and it does not look like we will be getting much this year. When Megan asked if we could please go sledding, I said, “no promises, but let’s go to the park!”

The hills did not look promising, but there was enough snow for us to play outside for about an hour.  (Andrea and Audrey played a little, and then went on a walk. They said they could hear Adrian and Megan the whole time!)

Sorry for anyone who tried to sled after us…


We were excited to be able to go to the Nutcracker at the Morris Civic this morning.  It was a wonderful performance.  The costumes were bright and pretty, the scenery updated, and the choreography changed.  The dancers were excellent.  It was probably the best Nutcracker we have seen for a school performance (maybe any performance).  The only one that may have been better was when there was a live orchestra.

But what made the morning even better, was the chance to take four girls who have never seen the Nutcracker with us. To top it off, our friends, Kristi and Casteel drove over from Ohio to watch the show with us.  We used to attend together while they lived here, and it has been years since we were able to.