
runningFor the last few weeks, we have been trying to walk two miles every day. Megan enjoys getting out of her stroller to run along with everyone for part of the trip.  Sometimes I take my camera because we have seen some neat things on our walks. We have discovered a family of swans in a nearby pond, found a neat green frog while looking at milkweed and was extremely close to an inquisitive hummingbird.

I had stopped to talk to a neighbor down the road when I noticed the girl’s shadows.  I was able to take one picture before Megan tripped over her feet and skinned her knee up.


CousinsWhile in Colorado, we stopped at the Garden of the God’s for a picnic. It was a beautiful day out, and the park was crowded! We had hoped to return and explore more on the way home, but we were unable to.  It was fun admiring God’s design as we drove through it!

It is rare that all the cousins are together at one time, so we made sure to get a current picture.
Cousins back


SmileWhen we were in Colorado two years ago, Oma bought this cowboy shirt for Megan. Because the shirt still just fits her, we brought it along in hopes of getting a good cowgirl picture of her.

I think this is her “I am a rough and tough cowgirl and you can’t make me smile” look.


Prairie Girls

After reading the Little House books and a few others from that time area, Andrea wanted to make some prairie girl dresses. She planned to wear them for the traditional tea party.  We also thought it would be fun to try to take some pictures in “the Wild West”, as Adrian insisted on calling Colorado the whole time we were there.

Prairie Girls
Aunt Bonnie let us borrow her dog Holly for this picture. The girls are pretending to be Carrie, Mary, Laura and Holly the dog is Jack.


They also had fun wearing them while playing or doing chores around the house too.


CaughtWhile at Grandma’s house, we all enjoyed walking up down the driveway. Sometimes the kids would run, other times they would just saunter  along talking.

Andrea and Mark were walking ahead of the rest of us enjoying a private conversation. I was glad that I had just taken a picture of their backs, when they turned around, saw me with the camera (caught!) and took off running.



Mark smileMark is going to be a Freshman this year.  We are looking forward to starting high school, but we are also a little apprehensive about it. There is so much he needs to learn!

But he is excited that we are turning the focus more. We have been praying about what God has planned for Mark and will start moving toward that goal.

As we watch Mark turn into a man, we will give him time to practice skills men need to be providers. With Daddy’s help, he built  raised gardens, but he filled and maintained the gardens mostly by himself this summer. He has outdoor chores that he loves doing. He has told me often he would rather be outside moving wood then working inside.

Mark will also have time to explore his different interests.  We know that making time for hobbies is a good way to relax!Mark Hands

I look forward to seeing Mark’s growth this year. I see him “sprouting his wings” and, while he is not ready to “fly” yet, he is getting close.




Adrian smileAdrianAdrian has been learning to be a big help lately. He loves to help wash dishes and he is learning to cook good food. He is Megan’s helper and makes sure that she is well taken care of.

He is starting second grade this year.  But even more exciting is his gapped tooth smile and two other teeth that are wiggly!


Andrea hands

Andrea hairAndrea is a few weeks shy of being twelve years old. She has been growing and changing so quickly lately. I have asked her to slow down some, but she insists on growing up!

She is turning into a very beautiful young lady. She is gentle and loving on the inside too.  I am very proud of her.

Andrea reading