Sneak Peak–In the Air

The Up in the Air category was the toughest for me.  These pictures need to “portray images of an atmospheric subject.”  They want to “focus on the atmosphere and bring “In the Air” to life.”

I enjoyed the difficulty of having a theme and needing to find a way to interpret it. Then, finding a way to make it different from “just a sunset” was challenging.  I probably won’t use “Waiting” but I really like it, so I am not sure.


Sneak Peak–Flora and Fauna

For the past few years, I have participated in a local photo contest.

This year the categories are Flora and Fauna, In the Air, and Activities in the Park. They also have special sections for black and white and special effects photography.  I can enter three pictures in each category.

Here are the Flora and Fauna pictures that I have decided on so far.  Now to narrow it down by two and figure out some good titles for each.

If you want to see the show, the pictures will be displayed at Concord Mall from noon 25 Jan until noon 1 Feb 2013. “Opening Night” is from 5:30-7:30 on the 25 of January. This year, all the “big kids” will have at least one entry each in the “Youth Category”.


Winter Grass

The moon was brighter and the sky clearer than last night, and I had fun experimenting with more moon pictures.

God created  nature for me to admire, but I often am too busy to go out and enjoy his beauty.  I am glad that I had time tonight to find something new!


November Morning

This was the view out of our front window this morning.  Watching the clouds move by and the changing colors created a very distracted Momma.

“Have you ever noticed a tree standing naked against the sky,
How beautiful it is?
All its branches are outlined, and in its nakedness
There is a poem, there is a song…
By Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895 – 1986)


It has been a different fall.  The days are warmer and we have had less cold rainy days than normal.  Today we woke up to a thick fog.  It was a pain to drive in, but it was beautiful!

Audrey came out with me to see if she could get “swallowed up”. She said it felt cold. She liked it though.

Then Adrian come out.  He wanted to learn what fog was.  Allan was leaving for work, so he came out to play a few minutes with Adrian.  They both enjoyed the fog too.

Thanksgiving Praise–Sunrise Party

Sunrise Batik

Megan is doing much better sleeping at night.  She goes down with Daddy about 7:30 and then she goes to sleep on her own. She wakes up between 5:30 and 6:00.

We have started a new morning ritual.  We come upstairs and snuggle on the couch.  Sometimes she dozes, sometimes we read together.  But we enjoy watching the car lights go by, singing, waiting for the sunrise and watching for the buses.  Adrian comes up at 7:00 to join our party.

Thank you God for such a beautiful sunrise this morning.  Thank you for children who love to snuggle!