We noticed this creek at Potato Creek and Allan stopped to let me try to get a few pictures. I really liked how the sun was shining through the trees and hitting the water.
If you click on the pictures, you can see them full size.
Category: Nature
The Lily Pad
Allan has been helping me learn how to use The Gimp better. I had a few minutes to “play” today, so I thought I would see what different filters do to a picture. If you click on one of the thumbnails, you can see a slide show of some of the different things I did.
The Window
Butterfly House
On part one, we see the animals. But this is part two
We saw lots of different kinds of butterflies. They were mostly from Asia and Africa. Daddy said he recognized some from when he was growing up. There was a blue one, and that one was my favorite. It was Momma’s favorite too.
There were some Monarchs. There were some that looked like Monarchs, but were white and black. There were also three little Button Quail. One was white and the other two brown. We saw some chrysalises. They were all different.
Tell Me If You Go There Please
Friday Mommy Camp
Today, Daddy took us to the zoo! First we saw lots and lots of little critters, and a HUGE snake. Then we saw the tigers. We walked a little more and saw lots and lots and lots of fish blobbing in the water. We saw lots of different animals. After lunch we saw some otters. Before we saw them napping. I loved the otters. A few minutes before the talk about otters, we saw some bobcats. One was named Bob the Cat!
Later we saw some butterflies, but I will tell you that on part two.
Megan was very tired and she took a nap when we were coming home. I fell asleep when we got home. I hope we can go again soon.
If you click on the picture, you can see it bigger.