Michelle and Phil’s wedding pictures can be found in this photo gallery!
Category: Photography
Adrian’s smile
Wedding Picture Update
Sibling Rivalry
On Saturday, we had a soccer game. The opposing team only had three girls when it was time to start the game. Since I had 6 girls, I asked the other coach if she wanted to borrow someone. Andrea and Audrey both volunteered right away.
After telling Audrey that she defected from our team, the girls loved being able to play against each other. It was neat to see how they interacted differently. They were still very protective of each other. When they crashed during the game, they made sure each was okay before getting up. But their competitiveness showed up strong. Both wanted that ball!
Audrey playing for the other team caused a few laughs too. I would call out to the girls, “Remember what Coach McGuire (Allan) taught you”, and Audrey would move to the perfect blocking position. Once I told her to “forget everything Daddy taught the team”.
While I am glad that they had the chance to compete against each other, I am really glad that the girls get to play on the same team. This year, they are learning each others abilities better. Andrea is better at making goals, while Audrey is better at defending. Most importantly, they both have fun while playing their best.
First Braids
Happy Birthday Audrey!
Audrey is 9! Since Uncle Phil’s wedding was on her birthday, we decided to celebrate today as her birthday. She loved the idea of having some time to anticipate her special day.
Happy Birthday Audrey. We are so thankful that God gave us such a BUBBLY gift! Daddy and I look forward to seeing what plans God has planned out for you.