Princesses Picking Petals

Today is Audrey’s Birthday Eve.  She and Andrea dressed up as beautiful princesses and then picked some flowers for the dinner table.

I loved watching the cars go by as they chose their flowers. Most of the men just drove by. The women would watch the girls for a little bit with huge grins on their faces.

I pray that all my princesses grow up knowing how special and beautiful they are. I pray that they will learn to know their heavenly father in a deep way that shines through everything they do. And I pray that their lives will draw many to our Awesome Father God.


Sweet Trouble!

My guest writer today is Adrian. He tells this story much better than I can.

Today, when the boys were cleaning their room, Momma called for us. Megan got in trouble! She was trying to eat the top of her crib. She got in trouble again. She was holding on to the top of her crib. She kneeled on her knees. She got into trouble again. She was standing in her bed! Mark and me laughed. Then she was kneeling on her knees laughing! My little Megan is growing up!

Momma says that Megan is growing up to fast! I like that she is growing up so I can play with her more. I love Megan!

Dreaming of Gardens

Daddy introduced me to the poet Edgar Guest a few years ago. Here is part of his poem, Plant a Garden.

If it’s drama that you sigh for,
plant a garden and you’ll get it
You will know the thrill of battle
fighting foes that will beset it
If you long for entertainment and
for pageantry most glowing,
Plant a garden and this summer spend
your time with green things growing.

Our garden is much to wet to do anything  yet. But the spring flowers are beautiful and it is time to start planning our garden!


First Soccer Game

Our first soccer day was Saturday.  All of the kids did very well.  My first/second grade team got creamed! We even stopped taking score it was so bad :)  Good thing we are out to have fun, not win games!

The kindergarteners did well.  I learned that I can be on the field with them, so Andrea sat on the bench with the rest of the team. Adrian only fell a few times, but was able to keep up with the other kids. He was a great encourager to his friend who had game jitters and got “sick” and could not play.  Adrian is praying for Matthew this week so that Matthew can play again soon.

Since I am coach, and do not have an assistant, I asked Nathan to take pictures for me.  He did a great job getting candid shots of the kids for me.  Thank you Nathan!



April Showers bring Muddy Kids

We have had a lot of rain in the last few days. Today, when the rain stopped, everyone ran outside to play.  I went outside with Megan to discover the two older ones having a mud fight. They were laughing and having a blast. So, I went to look for Adrian. I discovered him in the side yard enjoying the puddles. As I came to the back of the house, Andrea fell in the mud 🙂 and the war continued.

Brotherly Love

The other day, Mark and Andrea went outside. I loved catching them reading! Mark was reading a “girly” library book to Andrea.

Another day, during quiet time, Adrian was not resting. So Mark had Adrian snuggle with him to help him stay quiet and rest.