Cheese Thief

After getting dinner mostly ready, I left to get some other things done.  I came back to discover Megan had climbed up to the table and helped herself to most of the cheese I had ready for dinner.

Jumping Rope

The kids have really started to like jump roping. They keep going outside to jump rope together. It is fun watching them improve.

Adrian wanted to learn.  Here is his story.

We started jump roping. Almost everyday we go outside to jump rope. I started to learn this week. Yesterday I kept on going over the rope. I jumped a long long time. I need more practice.

I am doing very good today.  I jumped through Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear. Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair.  Fuzzy Wuzzy…then I jumped on the rope.

I am going to learn how to run and jump into the rope soon maybe. It is hard. I like jump roping.



I mentioned to Allan a fun picture I saw.  I told him that I would love to find a nice frame to try it and a few other ideas that I had.

Before coming home from work, he teased me about a “surprise” for me.  He needed to come home and drop it off. He remembered that I was looking for a frame!  He found a really nice simple black one that works perfectly for my needs!


Nap time

This is Megan taking her nap.  In case you can’t hear it, she is snoring for me.

I told Megan that she needed to stay quiet on the couch so she did not wake Momma up  from her nap.  She obeyed and stayed very quiet for me today.