Time for Tea

Discovered this note to myself from Mark’s senior year in high school.
Our mornings are pretty predictable. Mark gets up, gets ready for the day and then works on the computer till 8:30 when he goes for his run. While he is running, the other kids use the computer for math and a few other things. When Mark gets back, he is usually upstairs by the time the others are done.
I went downstairs and noticed that his door was still closed when the rest of the kids were done. I asked him what he was doing. He replied “physics”. Knowing he often works in his room, I asked what he was learning today. He replied, “A body at rest tends to stay at rest”. I laughed and told him to come upstairs, thus completing the rest of Newton’s first law of motion which states a body at rest tends to stay at rest until an external force acts upon it.
This morning, I asked Adrian to look for a certain blog post I wrote years ago. I thought it would be fun to try to duplicate it. After Adrian found the post, we had to laugh, because it was posted 10 years ago today.
A Day in the Life…
So thankful for another year with Allan.
A couple of weeks ago we enjoyed the weekend at Camp Patmos. It was a fun weekend talking with friends, serving a staff meal, hiking, playing in the pool and a boat ride in their new boat. I also got to go tubing-I think-for the first time. I can not remember tubing before. It was extra fun being able to go with Allan and with friends and the kids watching and cheering us on.
I love you Allan!
I am having trouble deciding on a favorite.
Allan and I were able to explore Colorado National Monument a little. I wish we had more time, there were so many neat things to see!
Since I have a little free time, I am experimenting with different filters and editing tools. This one used sepia with a mono mixer.
What do you think?
One of the hundreds newly emerged praying mantis from the oothecae Audrey found and brought in to overwinter.
Megan discovered this beautiful moth while we were walking. We are hoping that Klaus learns to love butterflies and moths and much as Audrey does.