I love this picture! It has everything I want in a good sledding picture; movement, expression and snow flying. However, the original was not quite right, so I played with it. It’s different, but I like it a lot better now. 🙂
Month: February 2013
Sledding Experiments
The kids have been sledding a lot this week. It was supposed to warm up and rain, and we wanted to enjoy the snow before it was gone.
I did some research on how to get good pictures with snow, and read that I should overexpose my shots some. I learned that does not work for sledding because, while the snow stays white, the people are overexposed. I also read to set my shutter priority high (say 800 -1000) to catch the action. Well….it worked too well, my pictures turned out looking like the kids sat on the sled screaming for fun.
Another idea that I tried was exposing for the sky (I cheated and used the Program mode to tell me what it was) and then setting my shutter speed to around 200. With my ISO at 200, and tweaking the exposure a little, I finally came up with some pictures that I like! I still need to practice, but I am sure that if we get more snow, the kid won’t mind sledding some more.

At a class that I went to last week, I learned that Monochromatic photography does not just mean black and white. Black and white, sepia and cyanotype all are different ways to print a monochromatic (one hue) photograph.
Wanting to see the difference, I edited this tree picture so I could compare. I am amazed at how each photograph has such a different “feel” to it.
Winter Walk
We finally got some snow! We woke up Saturday to a few inches and it snowed on and off all weekend. It is a very light snow, so we can’t make snowmen or forts with it. It is pretty and we will probably be able to go sledding soon.
The kids and I went outside to play and I asked Andrea to pose for an idea that I had. It turned out okay, but not what I was hoping for. My favorite picture is the one with Andrea holding the sled watching Mark and Megan play.
When she was done posing, she enjoyed taking Megan for a walk in Grandpa’s fishing sled. Daddy gave it to us just recently, so I am glad we could play with it.