Christmas Play

img_8317-kidsMy kids were all part of a Christmas play this year. Audrey and Adrian were both wise men. Megan got to be a scribe. Mark worked on lights and sound and Andrea helped where needed.

It was a lot of work but they did well memorizing their parts.  They enjoyed getting to know the children at church better during the rehearsals. All of them enjoyed performing the play and did a great job!

Merry Christmas!

img_6419-christmasEnjoy celebrating Jesus’ birthday!

“For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!”  Luke 2: 11-14

Sweet Surprise

img_8024-sweets-surprise_shareAllan had today off of work. Unfortunately, he got up his normal time.  He went upstairs because the lights were on and discovered Megan and Thor sleeping with the Christmas lights turned on.  He noticed the milk and cereal on the table too.

When we asked Megan about it later, she said she woke up hungry and got herself breakfast. Then she curled up to go back to sleep. She said that Thor was upstairs keeping her company.


Can you tell who made each snowman?

Today we spent the afternoon at our monthly Science Sleuths class. The younger two were there for the class, and the rest of us were volunteers to help at each “recycled toy” station.

Most of the class was missing, but we had a lot of fun with the children who came. Everyone’s favorite toy to make were the snowmen made out of socks.  They were easy but the children took a lot of time to make theirs just perfect. Since the class was so small, the older kids got to participate in the different stations also.


Fifty Years

img_7253-grinchFifty years ago today, CBS aired how the Grinch Stole Christmas for the first time. The Grinch has been one of Mark’s favorite cartoon characters since the first time he heard the book.He enjoys the movie too and we try to watch it at least once every year.

Christmas Lights

img_7465-lightsWe went looking for a Christmas tree this weekend. We were disappointed that the ones at the tree farm were already turning brown or very misshapen. We could not find anything that we liked. We returned home without a tree.

We are not sure if we are going to try another tree farm, find an already cut one, or buy an artificial tree. So, for now, our living room is decorated with lots of stars and lights. A good reminder that Christ is the light of the world (John 8:12)!