Holly and Paul

Megan and HollyOur neighbors have two barn kittens.   The soft fluffy one is Holly, and the stripped one is Paul, often called “Paully”. Yes, there is a story there, be sure to ask the children about it.

The kittens are  friendly and love to be cuddled.  Paul almost always purrs when held.  Holly takes a little coaxing, but she purrs for us too.

They are extremely tolerant of Megan, who tries hard to hold them gently. Megan loves to take Paul on drives and he will sit next to her while she borrows the neighbor’s car for a spin around the driveway.Megan and Paul

Holly hates joy rides but after playing “Momma and baby” prefers to play hide and seek.  She discovered if she sits on the fence railing, she can can hide from Megan very nicely!



Megan and FrogAudrey and Adrian are in “Nature Explorer Camp” this week. Today they got to explore a swamp and then learned about reptiles and amphibians.

Megan and SnuffyMegan was fascinated with the frogs and toads. She enjoyed learning how to play gently with them.

She was a little scared of Snuffy the Cornsnake at first.  Megan petted Snuffy while Audrey or Mark held him. She watched the big kids all hold Snuffy and decided that she needed to also. When Audrey offered to let Megan hold him, she took the snake and held him just long enough for a couple pictures.

She told me “‘Nuffy nice. I like ‘Nuffy”.


turtlewalking Twirl Tower ClimbingThe kids and I had a field trip to the zoo and a playground near it. While the kids played, I experimented with my camera.

I am trying not to use the “P” setting at all. So I needed to adjust my camera settings for their playing and the brightness of the sun. Since I am trying to learn to pose people better, the kids let me take two posed pictures also. Then I practiced candid shots.

We played until the zoo opened. Even though it was very crowded, we were able to visit our favorite animals before leaving. We then enjoyed a picnic lunch, and headed home.




Adrian, Megan and I have been exploring the park while the older children have camp. While Adrian takes us wherever he desires, we are on the lookout for flowers, butterflies, turtles, frogs and other neat things. We keep asking Megan, “Who made the flower?”  “Who made the frog?”  She is learning that God created it all.

I was thinking about this verse today as we explored,  The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever. Isaiah 40:8 (ESV).  I am so thankful for a God who is real and gives us many amazing visual aides to point us to him! 

After the Rain

Bunny  GrassNeedles The older kids are going to Junior Naturalist camp this week. The class is for 9-13 year olds, so Mark is too old to go as a camper. However, he is able to go as a volunteer.  He is going to be the camp photographer this week.

After we dropped the kids off, Adrian, Megan and I took a walk around the park.  It had rained last night and was still drizzling some. It was beautiful out!

When it was time to leave, Megan had a really rough time. She did not like the idea of leaving the kids behind!