Mark and I were outside trying to get pictures of some baby robins. I went inside to discover Megan sitting on the bathroom sink by herself. I asked her who left her up there. Smiling hugely, she told me “all by myself, need down.” After hearing “you can’t do that, your too little” all the time, I think she was proud that she figured out she isn’t too little to wash her own hands.
Author: Joyce
We invited Allan’s brothers over for a picnic. Not everyone could come, but we had a great time with those who were available.
Michelle brought Jonah. He happily played with the children and let Megan awkwardly hold him for a little while. He even took time to “pose” for a few pictures to surprise his daddy with.
As always, if you click the thumbnail, you can see a much better photo from the gallery.
Tire Swing
While Adrian and Audrey learned about tornadoes at Science Sleuths yesterday, the rest of us took a walk. After battling mosquitoes most of the walk, we gave up exploring. We decided to try the playground with the tire swing. The breeze was strong enough to keep the mosquitoes away and the kids had fun trying to get each other dizzy on the swing.
Blowing Dandelions
Three Princesses
Would someone please inform Mark that shoes are not supposed to be wider than your waist?
Mark needed some new shoes, so Allan and I thought we would surprise him with a new pair. He really dislikes shoe shopping! I knew that he wore Allan’s shoes, so when I found some shoes, I asked Allan to try them on. They fit, so we brought them home.
Size 9 shoes did not fit Mark! He needed to return both pair of shoes and get size 10’s.