Sneak Peak–Flora and Fauna

For the past few years, I have participated in a local photo contest.

This year the categories are Flora and Fauna, In the Air, and Activities in the Park. They also have special sections for black and white and special effects photography.  I can enter three pictures in each category.

Here are the Flora and Fauna pictures that I have decided on so far.  Now to narrow it down by two and figure out some good titles for each.

If you want to see the show, the pictures will be displayed at Concord Mall from noon 25 Jan until noon 1 Feb 2013. “Opening Night” is from 5:30-7:30 on the 25 of January. This year, all the “big kids” will have at least one entry each in the “Youth Category”.


Reading Together

ReadingI love watching Mark and Andrea read together.  At least once everyday I will find them curled up with a book reading. Andrea usually gets to chose the book, and Mark rarely fusses at what she choses.

I am so thankful for this blessing.  Not only do they both get to enjoy books, but they are spending time with one of their best friends.

Feet (Revisited)

Feet (revisited)Allan had a business trip to Chicago yesterday.  Once the kids were in bed, I experimented with a new idea I found.  I am not sure when or where I heard the term “Platinum”, but I liked how it looked.  I did a little research on how to do platinum effect and discovered it looks really neat on scenery.  Just for fun, I tried it on a people picture.  The results were impressive!

The original picture can be found here.

Sledding Survey

Just for fun, I started playing around with this picture.  I am not sure which one is the most appealing, so I was wondering what other thoughts were.  You can see larger pictures in a slide show by clicking on any of the pictures.

Then, would you  please comment on your favorite picture and why?

Thanks a lot!

Kids sledding

Audrey and MeganSledding with MarkGirls GigglingGirls laughing IRThe kids and I met some friends at the park yesterday to go sledding together.  We met at the perfect time!

I usually do not let the kids sled if the hills are too crowded, I have heard of too many accidents.  But, while it was a lot more crowded then when we normally go, it was not over crowded. The people on our hill were very considerate of each other, which makes sledding  a lot more fun.

I was not comfortable with the kids taking Megan sledding, though she really wanted to go.  After watching the crowd and seeing other little ones Megan’s age enjoy going down hill, I let the girls take her down.  She smiled and screamed the whole way down.

I enjoyed being able to practicing taking action shots.  I am a lot happier with these sledding pictures than the ones that I normally get.  AdrianI discovered a few mistakes, and am looking forward to taking the kids again and seeing how the next batch of pictures turn out.

(If you want to see the larger picture, just click on a picture.)