Hint of snow

On our drive to Canada, it started to snow. When we got up Saturday morning, we enjoyed a hint of snow on everything.

Megan did not remember the snow from last year and especially enjoyed learning about it. She did not enjoy how slippery it could be though.  We played outside until her nose and cheeks were a pretty pink, then we went inside to enjoy the warmth of the fire.

John and Alysse’s Wedding

This weekend we were able to go to Canada to celebrate a friend getting married.  I got to know John and his family when Allan and I lived in Swaziland. Then we all got to know the “grown up” John when he stayed with Allan’s parents during school holidays.

It was a nice surprise to see some of the other missionaries we knew in Swaziland too.

Congratulations John and Alysse!

Winter Grass

The moon was brighter and the sky clearer than last night, and I had fun experimenting with more moon pictures.

God created  nature for me to admire, but I often am too busy to go out and enjoy his beauty.  I am glad that I had time tonight to find something new!


November Morning

This was the view out of our front window this morning.  Watching the clouds move by and the changing colors created a very distracted Momma.

“Have you ever noticed a tree standing naked against the sky,
How beautiful it is?
All its branches are outlined, and in its nakedness
There is a poem, there is a song…
By Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895 – 1986)