Megan had a lot of fun in the puddles today. I am glad that she has a good pair of boots!
While I was making dinner tonight, I discovered all the kids playing in the rain. Mark and Andrea were having a water fight in a mud puddle. Audrey was using her scooter. Megan and Adrian were enjoying playing in puddles while using umbrellas.
I watched them for a little bit, then sent them inside for warm baths.
I thought you might like Adrian’s version of this story.
For my birthday, I wanted a Tigger cake. First I asked for it to look like Tigger (a molded cake), then orange with brown stripes. While we were playing outside, Momma sneaked baking the cake.
When we came inside later, Daddy and Momma were teasing that Oma was bringing the cake. When Oma arrived, she did not have the cake. I was sad, but I sort of knew they were teasing. They keep on teasing me that nobody brought the cake!
Then it was time for dessert and there was cake! I said that Santa Claus brought the cake and ice cream 🙂 Momma did a good job sneaking that cake. My favorite part was eating Tigger’s tail!
It is hard to believe that my little boy is six years old. We have been teasing that he is turning 4 today 🙂
Adrian had learned a lot this year! He loves to read. He likes science books and The Bobbsey Twins. Adrian enjoys doing his school workbooks and mazes. He is doing much better cleaning his room. Tying shoes is hard, but Adrian is trying to learn.
Adrian loves to be outside. I often find him outside playing with bubbles or playing on the swings. He is looking forward to his second year in soccer.
I am so thankful for my Adrian. God has blessed us!
Happy Birthday, Handsome boy!