We borrowed a book from the library with some fun ideas for group pictures. I thought this one was neat.
Author: Joyce
Another Reason to Homeschool
Life Is Good…
Visiting Friends
We decided to go visit the Sellers this weekend, at the “last minute.” It was the perfect weekend to go if you like playing outside. We were outside a lot! The kids worked on a snow fort in the morning. Adrian made snow angels holding hands all around the house! Then we went tubing after lunch.
Before bed, the older kids went outside and played hard. Allan said they played “Freeze tag”. Andrea said it was a hide and seek tag game. They also played Fighting. It was fun listening to them running around the house yelling and enjoying each other.
This morning we enjoyed worshipping with them. We spent a lazy afternoon just enjoying our family’s friendship.
Valentine Cookies
Last night we were invited to a friends house to make Valentine cookies. The girls enjoyed rolling and cutting out the cookies. After the cookies were baked, the boys helped taste test them.
Today, we decorated the cookies and the kids were able to share them with the neighbors.
Thank you, Jen and Evie for inviting us to a baking party. It was a lot of fun!
By Request
The other day Daddy surprised us by bringing over some Paczkis to share. I failed in taking pictures of my messy daughter. My mother was disappointed that I forgot.
So, because of her request, here are some pictures of Megan enjoying her Paczki. Her favorite is the red filled ones with powdered sugar.
And, just as an added bonus, because Megan was neater eating this Paczki than the one she shared with Grandpa, a picture of her enjoying peanut butter.
Another Reason to Homeschool
During recess, you can play act the book you just finished reading. In case you want to play, Mark recommends the book Rolf and the Viking Bow
, by Allen French.
Megan was not really into swimming. At first she hated her PFD-life jacket is outdated-and she was afraid of the water. She did not like all the splashing and noise.
By Wednesday though, she was doing a lot better. We found a little pool that she and Adrian could play in. She did not do much, just touch the water and walk a very little bit. She loved the swings, which I never got a picture of 🙁 .
She enjoyed-sort of- Lazy River, as long as her face did not get wet. But her favorite thing was just watching everyone else have fun.
Date Night
On Thursday, Allan and I had “date night”. Allan took all of us out for dinner and then he and I spent some alone time together. He asked me what I wanted and I mentioned that Mark had pointed out something that looked really good. There were other nice looking treats, but this one was different than anything I remember getting before.
So Allan went and bought this Tiramisu for me. It was really good–yes, I did let Mark get up and have a taste. The bowl was chocolate and the inside had cake (?) on the bottom and cream something on the top. He also got me a Mango Colada which is like a Pina Colada, but made with mango instead of pineapple.
We sat around talking and just enjoying our evening. It was quiet and relaxing and we went to bed way too late. But, it was one of the nicest evenings we have had in a long time. Allan is really good at spoiling me. I have no doubt in my mind that he loves me very much!