Frozen Bubbles

Frozen bubbles are always a challenge that I enjoy. I am never perfectly happy with the ones I take though.

The other day a photographer friend of mine posted some wonderful frozen bubble pictures. I asked him if he would please share his secret 🙂 He was very sweet and shared this with me.

Sugar in the solution helps a lot with the crystallization of the bubbles. He also mentioned to be sure that the sun is at a 45 degree angle from the bubbles and use a macro lens if possible. A simple background is best, a major challenge here! And then there are some common sense “rules”. A still day with single digit temperature works best, though low teens may work also. Dress warmly!

I am so excited, these work so much better than what I was doing! I am looking forward to many more attempts 🙂

If you want to try the recipe, here it is!

1/2 c warm water (distilled is recommended, but I used tap)
1 Tbl vegetable glycerin or corn syrup
1 Tbl sugar
1 Tbl dish soap; Dawn original is recommended, but most will work

  1. Combine water with sugar and glycerin.
  2. Stir well to dissolve sugar.
  3. Add dish soap and stir gently.
  4. Let sit at least 30 minutes before using.
  5. Store in airtight container

I do not know if these would work for giant bubbles, but the recipe for those are here if you want to try.

Photo Challenge- “Childhood”

I enjoy looking for new ideas for photography. A year or so ago I discovered a photographer who mostly does self portraits, but they are done in unique and fun ways. She is starting a photo challenge and her first one is “Childhood”.

Yesterday, while taking Thor for a walk, the young lady who posed for me, fell hard, skinning up her knees and legs. Thankfully, she was just bruised up a little. But it made me remember all the band aids she would have asked for if she was still four. Or five. Or ten…

Once upon a time I knew a little girl who loved brightly colored band aids (the more the better) and Curious George. She believed in “sympathy band aids” for siblings not hurt, but especially for herself. She also almost always wore a band aid. Curious George was very often with her.

That little girl has grown up some. Curious George is still a friend (but saved to share with younger friends) and band aids are still used, though rarely as often or as brightly colored.