The weather has been perfect for our little garden of Snowdrops. They are still blooming! The garden is slowly expanding, but I am still being very frugal with how many flowers I pick.
I wanted to experiment, so I rolled these with ink. I also attempted to press a few. The rest I will continue to enjoy in our mini garden.
Today’s watercolor lesson. I really liked the black and white also.
Megan does a great job with people and I like the character she added to hers. It tells a nice story.
Another set of pictures from our class.
Best thing I learned? We used different paper this time and I like it a lot better!
Megan and I are taking a one week watercolor class. Our first assignment was a coffee cup with a pumpkin and leaves. I did not like the design they used, so I designed my own zarf. (My new word for the day. A “zarf” is a cup sleeve.)