The kids enjoyed playing with the neighbors today.
I have been wanting to play with composites and the kids helped me with this idea. It is not great, but it is a fun start.
The kids enjoyed playing with the neighbors today.
I have been wanting to play with composites and the kids helped me with this idea. It is not great, but it is a fun start.
After a crazy yesterday, I decided the kids needed a break. So we ran to the store and then took a bike ride at Oxbow. It was a beautiful day to be out!
Megan turned seven while we were at Camp Patmos. She spent the whole day getting spoiled! We started the day by getting some pictures of the birthday girl.Then we went in to help serve breakfast. Megan was surprised with a birthday crown and everyone singing happy birthday to her.
Of course, we needed more pictures.
We worked and played hard. After dinner, she was presented with a pink strawberry cake while all the staff and volunteers sang to her.
Then for chapel, Megan was asked to go to the front and the whole camp sang to her again.
When it was finally time for bed, Megan was exhausted! She was hardly awake when I sang “happy birthday” one last time as I always do when I give them their goodnight birthday kiss. She had a wonderful day!
We have enjoyed Oxbow’s trails for many years. I take the children often for walks, to go sledding, or to look for animals or pretty fall leaves. Yesterday was the first time that anyone rode their bikes through our favorite paths. We will have to figure out how to get the other bikes in the car and take the other kids one day soon.
Many years ago, the girls started inviting relatives over for a tea party when we were in Colorado. They wanted a chance to have fun while getting to know everyone better. We were to dress up and wear hats.
When they were younger, they often found “dress up” clothes and shoes in the closets, but now Andrea and Audrey have outgrown most of them. However, the hats are becoming a lot more fun.
The boys enjoy themselves also. They go out with the uncles and explore or listen to stories the uncles share while sampling the treats the girls made.
Andrea turned 16 on Saturday! One of her favorite gifts are flowers, so she enjoyed being able to get pictures with 16 long stem roses.
Happy sweet sixteen to my extra sweet princess. Daddy and I love you very much!
Audrey and Megan had fun releasing eight Monarchs this evening. We still have some chrysalises and a few caterpillars, but this year’s Monarch season is almost finished for Audrey.