“Best Friends”

IMG_3351.smWe have been “babysitting” Oma’s dog. Flopsy decided that she did not like Thor when she first met him at my parents’ house.  She would growl at him and try to scare him off.  That did not bother Thor.  Finally, Flopsy decided Thor was not worth anything and refused to acknowledge his presence.  She turned her back on him and refused to look at him.

Then she came to stay with us.  She tried growling at him and snapping when he came too near.  But Thor was persistent and kept going up to her.  Flopsy started walking in wide circles around Thor, but slept in corners where he could not fit and under the table when all the chairs where pushed in.

However, I have five children who insisted that these two learn to be friends and like each other.  They have worked at it all week, and now, while not exactly “best friends”, Flopsy has decided that Thor is not so bad…

Especially when treats are involved.

Have you ever?

HatchingHave you ever watched a caterpillar eating its way out of its egg?  Audrey was examining this egg under a microscope when she noticed the caterpillar trying to get out.  We watched it from the time it looked like an air bubble in the egg until the caterpillar was completely out and looking for food.

This is an Eastern Black Swallowtail on a piece of dill.

Climbing Trees

TreeAudrey discovered a bird’s nest in our Japanese Maple tree.  She has been climbing the tree everyday watching the baby birds hatch and grow.  Megan has been disappointed, because she wanted to see the babies too.

She has been trying hard to climb the tree with Audrey.  If someone gives her a boost up, she has been comfortable sitting on a bottom branch.  However; today, she really wanted to see the babies. So she managed to get over by Audrey and excitedly watched the birds for a few minutes.

Instead of hugging the tree coming down, she faced out. As she got to the last branch that someone needs to help her down at, she smiled big. Then she let go and jumped for me to catch her!