Friday Mommy Camp

Today, Daddy took us to the zoo! First we saw lots and lots of little critters, and a HUGE snake. Then we saw the tigers. We walked a little more and saw lots and lots and lots of fish blobbing in the water.  We saw lots of different animals. After lunch we saw some otters. Before we saw them napping.  I loved the otters.  A few minutes before the talk about otters, we saw some bobcats.  One was named Bob the Cat!

Later we saw some butterflies, but I will tell you that on part two.

Megan was very tired and she took a nap when we were coming home.  I fell asleep when  we got home. I hope we can go again soon.

If you click on the picture, you can see it bigger.

Mommy Camp Wednesday

For Mommy Camp today, Momma cut my hair. Then we got a bath because of all the hair!

After awhile, it began to rain a little. We got to play out in it a little bit. We have not had rain for a long long time, so it was fun playing in it.

We made cookies. They were chocolate chip,  M&M cookies. When it (the dough) was almost all finished I put on one or three M&M’s on them to make them look pretty. We took them to church for dinner.

When the cookies were baked, we let them cool, we took a nap so we could stay up late. Then we watched a movie (cartoon).  Around the second one we ate one (a cookie). They were good!

We had a church meeting. First we had a church dinner. Mommy called it a potluck. We took macaroni and cheese and cookies. Then we had a prayer meeting. I liked it.

We came home and took a walk for a little bit. I rode my tricycle.  When Megan fell down we turned around and came home. Then we catched a lightening bug, almost catched two, but could not catch any more. Then we read Bible stories OUTSIDE! Before bed, Momma read part of a book to me. Then I fell asleep 🙂