
This evening we had a mini vacation in our back yard. We grilled steaks, corn on the cob and had Roosterkoek (braai bread). We opened up some pickles we canned and a bag of chips. We then enjoyed a lazy dinner.

The kids enjoyed playing outside. Adrian helped Allan with the fire. Megan sat and watched. The older kids got everything ready, and then practiced hitting a target with their “throwing knives”.

We would have made some s’mores, but the mosquitoes decided that we made a good dinner too. So we ended up in the house, eating ice cream sandwiches. Everyone enjoyed Daddy reading the last chapter of The Magician’s Nephew.

I hope that your evening was as relaxing as ours!

A Day in the Life…

Today Megan is 23 months old. It is hard to believe that she is almost two!

She had a very busy day today.  This morning she helped the big kids in school.  She especially liked snuggling next to Andrea and doing Bible with her.  Megan learned during “recess” that she could walk across the railing and back.

Then she decided she was “Megan puppy.” She crawled into Flopsy’s crate and closed the door. Then she barked and made dog noises.

After lunch, stories and and nap, she was ready to go again.

We went outside for a braai, and she followed Adrian around playing in the woods. When Adrian helped Daddy with the fire, she sat and watched them.

Finally, it was time to settle down. She sat next to Flopsy and enjoyed watching everyone else play.

After eating most of Daddy’s favorite potato salad, she was ready to snuggle with Momma. After getting her teeth brushed, she happily headed off to bed. She knows she needs a good sleep in order to play hard again tomorrow.

Lea Dee Sarai

Grandpa brought home a new spaniel puppy last week. We all met her for the first time on Sunday. Her name is Lea Dee (I keep wanting to call her Lady) Sarai.  She is very cute!

Megan was especially fascinated with her.