
Before church this evening, we went for a walk at Cobus Creek Park.  It is still very pretty with all the fall colors.

Just before leaving, I asked Mark if he could please take a picture of my boyfriend and me.  I think  he did a great job!

I am so very thankful for Allan.  He is a wonderful husband and a great father.  He loves Jesus and is trying hard to raise our family (me included) in a way that helps us to know Jesus better too.  He works hard, but makes the time to play with us.

He is also extremely good looking and a lot of fun to be around!



This tree and all the assorted colored leaves still clinging to its branches caught my eye at the park today.

By Joyce Kilmer

I think that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree.

A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
Against the sweet earth’s flowing breast;

A tree that looks at God all day,
And lifts her leafy arms to pray;

A tree that may in summer wear
A nest of robins in her hair;

Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
Who intimately lives with rain.

Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree.

Two Year Old Hat Pictures

When Mark was little, he was given a denim hat.  He wore it often, so when I took him for his two year old pictures, I had him wear the hat and his favorite pair of overalls.  When Andrea got her two year old pictures, I had her wear the hat and overalls also.  Of course, now I had to get pictures of all the kids wearing the hat and overalls for their second birthday.

The place we got matching pictures from is not here anymore.  So, we set up our own studio today and attempted matching pictures. The colorized picture will eventually be put into a frame with the other two year old pictures.


Early in the summer, Allan bought me two daisy plants off of the clearance table for about seventy cents each.

They have bloomed continually all summer and through the few frosts we have already had.  I think these may be my new favorite patio flowers!

Fairy Dust

For school today, we took the kids to see the play Peter Pan. When we signed up for it, we did not realize it was a musical, so we were a little disappointed.  But, it was still fun to watch.

Adrian enjoys the story of Peter Pan and thought the musical was good.  He was not impressed with the pirates, but loved the crocodile.  Megan curled up on my lap and sat mostly still through the whole play.  The other kids were glad we went too.

This afternoon, Adrian noticed that some of my pictures had unfocused dots (bokeh)  in the background.  He asked if I could please get a picture of him with the “fairy dust”.  Maybe tonight, he will fly to visit with Peter Pan!