Thanksgiving Praise

I am thankful for my children.

One loves to encourage people with notes.  Another shares gifts.  One flashes a grin to cheer someone up.  Another loves people, especially the elderly and babies.  And one, is watching and learning from all the others.

Each of them have strengths that they share. Those who can read, read out loud to those who can’t read well. Those who bake, share with the neighbors. Two love to work outside, while another prefers to clean house. They all share smiles and hugs often.

God created each child so special.  I am thankful that he created them as they are and that I get to be their Momma.



It’s Laura’s Fault!

Andrea has really enjoyed the Little House Books.  She asked if we could please make prairie girl outfits.  So Allan said that we could get the patterns and we used material that we already had. We ended up buying the “skirt” to Audrey’s apron, but we had enough of everything else to make all the girls outfits.

Then of course, they all had to go out and pretend to be in the Old West.


Thanksgiving Assignment

As we get ready for Thanksgiving in a few weeks, I gave the kids an assignment.  They need to think of one thing they are thankful for, take a picture, and then write a blog about it.  They need to try to do it everyday until Thanksgiving, though I might have them do it all month.

The “rules” are, in case you decide to join us, are easy.

  • Everyday, think of one special thing that you are thankful for
  • Take or draw a picture of it
  • Tell why you are thankful
  • Write a note about it
  • Praise God for his wonderful blessing!

Today I am thankful for simple things, like an old jar decorated with rock candy.  It is bright and colorful. It did not cost much, and requires very little maintenance. Clean up is easy too!