Author: Joyce
Working Vacation
While we normally go to Colorado for a vacation and to do some needed clean up, this year we went with the goal of helping to re-side Grandma’s house. It was a lot of hard work, and we did not finish the whole house, but we were able to get a lot done.
Everyone got to help in some way. Megan learned to paint and the older kids learned how to put siding on.
It was not all work, we also visited family and explored. We did confirm one thing, nine days for travel and being in Colorado is not enough time!
Bubble Star
While in Colorado, the kids enjoy being able to explore. When they were younger, they were not allowed to leave the fenced in area. Every year, they have more freedom.
This was the first year that Megan was given the okay to ride the bike up and down the drive way by herself. She could go all the way to the cattle guard without asking for permission. That is a lot farther than she can roam alone at home!
Sometimes, the kids just disappeared for awhile just to talk and be together. One day they took off in the search of cactus to bring home. They also enjoyed being able to visit Aunt Bonnie “just because”.
Audrey took advantage of roaming most often this year. She would go “visit” the cows or look for pink cactus. She would just disappear to enjoy being by herself.
I am very thankful they did not meet any unwanted critters this year!
Colorado Still Life
After church on Sunday, Andrea went with Aunt Bonnie to pick up some needs for us. They returned with two cartons of multi colored eggs among the other groceries. The different colors, shapes and textures of the eggs were so much prettier than boring white, store bought eggs!
After I took my picture, Oma asked for one with Grandma’s antique tablecloth. Audrey decided one of the eggs needed personality. I like how all the pictures turned out and can not pick a favorite.
Which is your favorite?
Good Morning
Happy birthday Mark!While in Colorado, we took time out of helping to take our traditional pictures.
Click here to see his 2017 picture.
Sunday in Colorado
On Sunday, we enjoyed being able to go the Firemen’s Breakfast before church. Their menu has grown and we enjoyed a lot of good food. Andrea tried a breakfast burrito with green chili and sausage gravy and had the best breakfast of all!
Then we had the privilege of going to a.m. church with Uncle Bill and Aunt Bonnie. Megan loved being able to snuggle with Uncle Bill.
It had turned very chilly overnight. After church Audrey picked up a Monarch butterfly she had noticed before service. While driving home she began to giggle. The butterfly was still alive!
Though cold, we spent some time outside. We had a needed lazy day and then drove into Colorado Springs so we could go to church with Uncle Dan and Aunt Debbie. The younger two got to enjoy Awana. We got home after dark, but enjoyed being able to be with family.
Saturday’s Sunset
While in Colorado, I try to be up for the sunrises and the sunsets. Grandma’s house has a wonderful view of both.
On Saturday, I wanted to take a picture of a dead tree silhouetted by the sunset. After taking the picture, I double checked that the exposure was right. I was surprised to discover something I had not noticed at first. A pronghorn!
We then noticed at least seven pronghorns along the ridge. They let us follow them for a little bit before taking off. We would see them a few times over the week. But these where the best pictures of them.