Happy half birthday beautiful!
Happy half birthday beautiful!
Happy Birthday Adrian. I am excited to see what God has planned for you. I love you so much!
On Friday, we had a snow storm. We received at least 4 inches of snow. It was windy and there was also thunder and lightening. The snow turned to rain and by early afternoon on Saturday, most of the snow had melted.
So now the kids are working on cleaning up a “limb” that fell off our maple tree. They went out today without my asking and started cleaning it up. Their reason? They told me that they were going to clean it up so that Andrea could go swing sooner rather than later.
Baking on a rainy Monday is always fun. But making cookies to share… twice the fun 🙂
There once was a girl named Megan
Who absolutely loved sleddin’
Steep hills and fresh white snow
Down the hill she would go
hair flying free, then she’d go again
(She really puts her hair up and under a hat. Otherwise, she would be brushing snarls out all day!)
It is a silly game we play, sort of like chicken. For them to win, the kids need to steer the sled in such a way that they can get close enough to hit me on the legs with their hands, but they are not allowed to run me over. If I move as they are coming, I lose.
In the years we have “played” this game, I can not remember ever being run over. But the kids are getting very good at steering so close they hit my legs a lot. Adrian is great at this game and Megan is quickly improving. Both together, and I almost never win.
We have been enjoying some “Cookie and Canvas” painting classes. When Adrian is free, he joins Megan and me. It is a lot of fun!
This little sweetie has learned to sit up without help, crawl and is starting to “chatter”.