Bragging on Adrian

Adrian 2nd Adrian entered 5 photos in the Elkhart Park’s Photo Contest this year.  He earned his very first ribbon!  He earned a second place in the youth division for his photo he named “Green”.

In an exclusive interview, I learned that Adrian enjoys taking pictures.  His favorite things to photograph are frogs and toads! He wants to practice a lot more this year so he gets better. When he grows up, he wants to be a zoologist, so taking pictures is very important for when he discovers a new species of animal.

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Sign of Spring?

SignThe weather has been warm during the day and below freezing at night.  On Monday, Mark started tapping our seven trees.  Adrian likes to check the buckets and said that our best tree has almost filled a half bucket already.

The kids and I are hoping for some more really good snow days.  We are not quite ready for spring!  We have not got our fill of snowmen, sledding or hot chocolate this winter.


When we have time, the children and I go exploring.  Often, we take the cameras and the morning is spent on photography.  Other times, they are out playing with the cameras. I do not set the camera’s settings for them or tell them how to take the pictures.  I let them experiment and find what they like. I am trying to teach them to take most of their pictures without major editing.

We have enjoyed participating in the Elkhart County Parks Photo Contest for the last few years.  As the children take better photos, they are allowed to submit more photos in the youth division. Their photos will be judged as part of the whole group and then judged again in the “16 years and younger” youth category.  This year there is going to be some stiff competition!

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If you want to check out all our entries–the five of us submitted 32 photos- they will be on display at the Concord Mall from January 24 – 30, 2015.

Winter Rose

RoseI am so spoiled!  Allan came home yesterday with a beautiful bouquet of daisies for me.  He added a unique blue rose as a special surprise.  Then today, the kids spoiled me by letting me take a break and have some fun taking pictures of the rose.

I have a wonderful family! They do a great job of spoiling me 🙂 .