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Megan was asked to be the Flower Girl for Esther’s wedding. She did an excellent job! She stood with the bride’s maids during the whole wedding and then followed them nicely when they paraded behind the newly weds. You could tell she was a little nervous, but when the ring bearer broke away from her and ran down the isle, she still walked slowly to where she was supposed to be, tossing the bird seed she had been given.
She did not have flowers to carry, but we borrowed a small bouquet that Esther had for the flower toss at the reception because Megan thought they were pretty. She enjoyed being able to hold Esther’s bouquet some of the time too.
Here is what she thought of being a flower girl:
I wore a purple dress. It was sparkly! It was so sparkly in the sun. Miss Tracy painted my nails green and purple. Miss Crystal put my hair up in a bow and put flowers in my hair. Esther helped me put on my dress. Someone put on shiny lip stick.
My job was to walk before Essie and smile and show everyone my dress. They knew the bride was coming next! It was an important job. I walked down the hill. I dropped birdseed down the hill before Esther came. I stood by Miss America and the girls. They were nice.
I was just standing when Esther got married. All the girls were watching too. When Esther kissed Essie’s Alan* it was the end. I followed the girls down the hill to the bridge.
Then we took ten pictures. Then we went inside. I ate lasagna, bread and cheese. Then I just had to look pretty. Then I went to Oma and Opa house!
I liked being a flower girl.
*“Essie’s Alan” is how we differentiate between my Allan and Esther’s new husband.