Crystal Bubble

Crystal Bubble

This morning, the kids went next door to help the neighbor shovel her driveway.  Megan wanted to go too, so she started that way without me.

This afternoon, we were being silly and playing with bubbles in the house.  We discovered that some of them would bounce on the carpet before popping.  I am not sure how long we played with the bubbles, but it was a lot of fun.

Sneak Peak–Flora and Fauna

For the past few years, I have participated in a local photo contest.

This year the categories are Flora and Fauna, In the Air, and Activities in the Park. They also have special sections for black and white and special effects photography.  I can enter three pictures in each category.

Here are the Flora and Fauna pictures that I have decided on so far.  Now to narrow it down by two and figure out some good titles for each.

If you want to see the show, the pictures will be displayed at Concord Mall from noon 25 Jan until noon 1 Feb 2013. “Opening Night” is from 5:30-7:30 on the 25 of January. This year, all the “big kids” will have at least one entry each in the “Youth Category”.


Feet (Revisited)

Feet (revisited)Allan had a business trip to Chicago yesterday.  Once the kids were in bed, I experimented with a new idea I found.  I am not sure when or where I heard the term “Platinum”, but I liked how it looked.  I did a little research on how to do platinum effect and discovered it looks really neat on scenery.  Just for fun, I tried it on a people picture.  The results were impressive!

The original picture can be found here.

Thanksgiving Praise–Imagination

I am so thankful for the imaginations that my children have. They all use their imaginations to create.  They make forts, rearrange rooms, reinvent things, write stories and songs, or become someone they are not.

Yesterday, Mark had some free time after school.  The house was quiet since everyone else was busy in their rooms.  In less than an hour, he created a video that is really neat.  It is too large to post it all, but here is the first part of his stop motion video BLASST-OFFFF!

I am so thankful for the imagination that God gives us!  I pray that my children will never lose their ability to imagine.

Adrian’s Birthday Cake

I thought you might like Adrian’s version of this story.

For my birthday, I wanted a Tigger cake. First I asked for it to look like Tigger (a molded cake), then orange with brown stripes. While we were playing outside, Momma sneaked baking the cake.

When we came inside later, Daddy and Momma were teasing that Oma was bringing the cake. When Oma arrived, she did not have the cake. I was sad, but I sort of knew they were teasing. They keep on teasing me that nobody brought the cake!

Then it was time for dessert and there was cake! I said that Santa Claus brought the cake and ice cream 🙂 Momma did a good job sneaking that cake. My favorite part was eating Tigger’s tail!