When morning gilds the sky,
our hearts awaking cry:
May Jesus Christ be praised!
in all our work and prayer
we ask his loving care:
May Jesus Christ be praised!
Translated by Edward Caswall (1854)
This morning, we took a nature walk at the park. We looked for leaves and pretended we were on a safari. We drove around the “game park” looking for animals. We discovered deer, turkey, flying geese, chipmunks and lots of squirrels.
The neighbors own two barn cats. Often, Holly will come over to visit. Often, while the kids are outside, Holly will walk through the back yard to see what they are doing.
She is not super friendly, but she likes to be around the children. If they don’t try to hug her too much or pick her up, she will hang around the backyard watching them.
As Allan left for work, he told me the foggy morning was beautiful. I went out trying to get pictures of the fog, but discovered huge spider webs in the field.
The neighbor has two husky pups that like to come visit. The kids keep returning them, but the puppies break out of their pen almost every day. They are adorable, so I use them for camera practice.