Megan discovered this flower under the swing set in Oma’s yard. It was unappreciated there and I doubt anyone knew about it. Megan really liked it and picked it to share with me.
Category: Nature
The purple crocus are up in our backyard!
It is the first really nice day in a long time that we had time to be outside. I spent most of my “free” time in the crocus garden. I don’t have a micro lens, but wanted to see how close up my camera could get. I came inside with black kneed jeans and a filthy shirt. The kids had fun kneeling in the dirt with me, trying to help me get the perfect picture. It is the first time in a long time that I came in as dirty as they did 🙂
On Thursday, Audrey came to show me the first crocus of the year. We have some purple ones in the back that are starting to emerge, but are being slow this year. This is the only yellow one and it is alone in the front yard. I keep thinking to replant it somewhere, but I like it just where it is.
Today, we went to check on our crocus. It is snuggled in a blanket of snow :)Â Isn’t Spring fun?
Dare You!

I should have learned by now, but never, ever dare your children! Yesterday we were talking to our friend, Miss Krista, about hunting for salamanders. She said that right now is the perfect time to go looking for them. Miss Krista told us a little about how to find them and then mentioned that there were some salamanders at the gate house.
Adrian’s eyes lit up and he really wanted to go see them and maybe hold them. So, Miss Krista arranged for a mini field trip for us. We got to meet a few salamanders and a hissing cockroach.
Then the kids dared me to hold them all. The cockroach really did not bother me much.The salamanders were cold and funny feeling but, they were not to bad. I would rather hold a salamander than a snake!
Don’t tell the kids, but salamanders are sort of cute too 🙂
Now we hope to go out some evening and hunt for some salamanders. The Tiger Salamander and the Blue Spotted Salamander are both native to the area, so we might be able to find some.
Spring is Coming!
Answered Prayer
Last night before heading to bed, Megan prayed for snow. When we got up this morning, I discovered we had two or three inches of perfect packing snow! When Megan woke up and discovered the snow, her eyes got huge!
We don’t usually get packing snow, so it was a wonderful treat. We took a “two hour delay” and shoveled and then build snow forts, snowmen and snow animals.
I am glad that we delayed school, a lot of snow has melted and we are getting a snow rain mix. We would have lost the chance to enjoy Megan’s answered prayer.
At a class that I went to last week, I learned that Monochromatic photography does not just mean black and white. Black and white, sepia and cyanotype all are different ways to print a monochromatic (one hue) photograph.
Wanting to see the difference, I edited this tree picture so I could compare. I am amazed at how each photograph has such a different “feel” to it.