Adrian loves to draw with chalk. Today he wrote “Hi” and said “this is a sight word”. Not sure if he knew what the word was, but he knew that he was writing a real word.
Category: Photography
Having fun in the dark
Adrian was not feeling well Wednesday so we stayed home from church. We went for a walk down the road in the dark and then experimented with the camera and flashlight. He had a lot of fun posing for me.
Then we came inside for hot chocolate and cookies.
A few days later, Allan took Mark and Audrey out and Adrian wanted to go for another walk and experiment with Andrea. When we were finished, we enjoyed milk and cookies.
New traditions are fun!
Boy + Machine
After accidentally discovering how to turn on Grandpa’s leaf blower, I got this wonderful smile! Then, I was “helped” on moving the leaves around the yard.
Apple Bobbing
Fall fun includes bobbing for apples and trying to eat donuts off a string. The simple things are often the most fun!
Barn in Fall
Not sure why, but I love red barns, water and fall leaves.
Four Little Monkeys
We found this tree at Potato Creek. It seemed a perfect tree for my adorable little monkeys.
Fall Fun
Apple picking, pumpkins and children. What a fun afternoon!
Bonneyville Mill
We love to walk. This weekend we enjoyed going to Bonneyville Mill and exploring the mill. We then took a walk and enjoyed the beautiful fall colors starting to arrive. Looking forward to more colors!
Out on a Limb
The kids are “Out on a Limb” at Oxbow Park.