When we came back from Swaziland trying to earn support to return, we started in a new Sunday School class and needed to find friends. We mentioned something along the lines of we would love to visit with people. We only had a few people take us up on that offer.
Dave and Kristi have been our friends ever since. Our children became friends as they came along also. On New Year’s Eve, we spent the evening at church, playing laser tag, watching a magician and being thankful that we could all be together. Megan was so exhausted she fell asleep early and slept most of the evening.
The rest of the weekend was spent talking, playing games, and just discussing how God has been working in our lives. It was a great weekend!
And I learned one very important lesson. Since we did not really know what was happening New Year’s Eve, I left my camera at home and ended up using Allan’s phone camera. The pictures are not great, but the memories are.
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