Category: Photography
Mommy Camp-Day One
Yesterday, Allan drove the older four children to camp. Â Megan was excited that Mommy Camp started!
Megan had a lot of fun. She made grilled cheese sandwiches all by herself for our lunch. They were very good!  We ate ice cream.  She read a little and then we went to the mall to see if we could find some fun projects to do this week.
Daddy got home around 4:30. Â We enjoyed a cook out and Megan played on the swings. Â She practiced crossing her eyes and then we just relaxed and enjoyed a quiet evening with each other.
Monster Smile
A Boy and His Dog
Prediction Run
A few weeks ago, Audrey was invited to her first prediction run. Â She ran 5k in the woods ahead of the friend who invited her. Â Mark and Andrea have joined her for the last two weeks.
Mark said that when they get to the race, they write down the time they think they will take to run 5k. Â After running, they write down their time and find out how close they were.
This was Andrea’s first time running the 5k and she took 28 minutes.  Since she only runs during soccer, that is not bad.  Mark was off by 28 seconds on his guess of 22 minutes.  Audrey however, ran it in 26.58, which was 2 seconds off of her guess and won this week!  She came home with a medal and a huge smile.
Early Morning Break
It was our first weekend without a soccer game in months.  The kids asked what our plans were for the weekend.  We said there were a few things that needed done.  Then the kids took off.
Without asking, Mark and Audrey worked outside. They cleaned out overgrown weed beds and cut back some poison ivy.  After double checking what to save, Mark started on the front garden.  Adrian needed some direction, but cleaned out a hosta garden, and he helped clean up cuttings the older kids left.
Andrea asked what was the most important job in the house and cleaned out three drawers that have needed cleaning for months. When Allan got home from the store, she started cleaning off the patio so we could restain it. Â She already volunteered to stain it for us.
Allan and Megan went shopping.  Megan helped Allan put together a pressure washer and then they worked on different projects.
A lot of work got done this week with very little input from me.  The lawn was mowed and gardens have improved a lot.  The wading pool was scrubbed out and moved to a new spot. The garage was cleaned on the sly. The house has been done. School work continues daily and the kids have summer jobs.
It is neat just standing back and watching everyone take responsibility for something and then get it done properly. Â I am one spoiled Momma.
The Spider
A Bird in the Hand
This morning the children discovered a fledgling on our front ledge.  We needed to move him because we did not want the dogs to find him and we did not know how well he could fly.
Adrian tried to get him, but the bird hopped away. Â Then Megan tried and he hopped right on her hand! Â He perched for a very short while and then fluttered away. Â He did not fly well at all.
The kids slowly tried to catch him again to move him and he fluttered to the wall and perched there.  Since he was safe there, we watched him until he flew away to another branch and then Adrian watched until he flew to a much safer tree in the woods.
Here is Megan’s view of the story.
We found a fledgling.  She was very cute. I named her Rose. She is very pretty.  She is soft soft. I was glad to be able to hold her.  I wish Adrian could have too.